Voice Against Reservation

I think it's hardly an issue of debate, the relevance of this bill. Almost the whole of educated India understands the utter stupidity of it. The most shocking aspect of the whole episode for me was the silence that the most refined and educated of our politicians maintained on the issue; cutting across political boundaries.
 It is indeed disheartening so see someone like him bow his head to the pressures and games of politics. If this law goes ahead in its current form; his and Arjun Singh's names would be forever associated in the pages of history with this turgid blunder.
I think we should have job reservations in all the fields. I completely support the PM and all the politicians for promoting this. Let's start the reservation with our cricket team. We should have 10 percent reservation for muslims. 30 percent for OBC, SC/ST like that. Cricket rules should be modified accordingly. The boundary circle should be reduced for an SC/ST player. The four hit by an OBC player should be considered as a six and a six hit by a OBC player should be counted as 8 runs. An OBC player scoring 60 runs should be declared as a century.


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